The following information has been supplied by Leeds City Council.

A trial was conducted on Thursday 26 and Friday 27 November to install temporary traffic lights at the Harewood Junction on Harrogate Road.
Unfortunately this led to some traffic disruption during peak times and the trial was stopped.

If you’d like to know more about the scheme and why there are road works, please click ‘Read more’.

Read more

What’s next?

New temporary traffic lights

Following this trial we’ll be installing temporary traffic lights with 3 improvements:
1. The traffic lights follow the same signalling timings as the junction does currently, with 2 phase traffic lights.
2. The traffic lights must be manned to alleviate queuing at one part of the junction over another between the hours of 7am-5pm as a minimum.
3. Any lane closures will be off peak during 9.30am-3pm.

New temporary traffic lights will be installed on Saturday 5 December.

Will these lead to more disruption?

Despite lockdown being eased, the timings of the new temporary traffic lights will mirror that of the current traffic lights at minimum during peak times, therefore we don’t foresee any more delay to traffic than normal.

Why are the traffic lights being changed?

The existing signals are disrupting work time available on The Avenue and Harrogate Road. The temporary manned traffic signals will allow for greater flexibility for users of the junction and workers.

Ultimately, if temporary traffic lights aren’t installed this will lead to long delays in construction of the scheme and inconvenience local residents for longer.

Ducting work will commence on The Avenue from Monday 7 December which will lead to some on-street parking spaces being coned off temporarily.

If you need to contact us about these works you can find us on Facebook and Twitter @ConnectingLeeds or email us at
Thanks, The Connecting Leeds team.

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Harewood Parish Council