Council meetings in 2024 are scheduled as follows.
The links on the dates below provide access to the agenda of the next meeting or the minutes of previous ones. The minutes of the most recent meeting held will be unapproved. To view, please click on the chosen date.
11th January 7:00 pm Wigton Moor United Reformed Church (URC)
22nd February 7:00 pm Harewood Village Hall
28th March 7:00 pm Wigton Moor URC
2nd May 7:00 pm Annual Parish Meeting Harewood Arms Meeting Room
Annual Report from Harewood Parish Council
2nd May 7:00 pm Annual Parish Council Meeting Harewood Arms Meeting Room
Please note that these two meetings will run consecutively. The Annual Parish Meeting provides the occasion for annual reports of council work during the past year to be presented for discussion and scrutiny by the general public. Following the Annual Meeting, the Council meets to elect officers for the forthcoming year and conduct normal business. Members of the public are also welcome to observe this second meeting. The Council has had to schedule these meetings at the Harewood Arms since other public venues in the parish are not available on the 2nd May due to local elections being held. Alcohol will not be served or consumed in the Meeting Room during these meetings.
13th June 7:00 pm Wigton Moor United Reformed Church NB Change to originally published venue.
25th July 7:00 pm Harewood Village Hall
29th August 7:00 pm Wigton Moor URC
3rd October 7:00pm Harewood Village Hall
7th November 7:00 pm Wigton Moor URC
12th December 7:00 pm Harewood Village Hall
Meetings of the Parish Council are held in public and observers are welcome. If there are agenda items on which members of the public would wish to express a view, please contact the Clerk to the Council Mr K Sedman 07587 202613 E-mail: or the Chair Dr K Hill