The Council has now been advised of the imminent start to the road works and details are below.
Link to plan of work to be undertaken.
Timescales and traffic management information:
The works are now due to commence on Monday 12 October 2020 with works expected to complete in late January 2021. The contractor is Colas.
Harewood Primary school crossing will be closed while it is being replaced – the alternative crossing of the A61 close to the main village cross road will remain open at this time.
Outside working hours the temporary signals will not be in operation and the existing signals will continue to operate. Equipment such as pedestrian barriers and guard rails will remain in place outside working hours to protect any works areas.
No weekend work is planned at this time. Towards the end of the works there may be a requirement for some resurfacing to be carried out at night. These night works will be kept to a minimum with the intention of completing the nosiest works by 11pm.
A two week break in works is planned over the Christmas and New Year period.
A 24 hour site telephone number in available in case there are emergencies or issues during the works. Contact 0113 253 3463.